caring quality empathy
Bassem Said, MD
Ear Nose & Throat
Otolaryngology -
Head and Neck Surgery
1240 Central Blvd., Ste A2
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516 - 4368
What is Tonsillitis?
A tonsil infection (tonsillitis) usually has symptoms of a sore throat, fever, painful and/or difficult swallowing, swollen neck glands (lymph nodes) and sometimes muffled voice. The tonsils are composed of tissue that is similar to the lymph nodes or glands found in the neck or other parts of the body. Nearby are the adenoids, located high in the throat behind the nose and soft palate (the roof of the mouth), and not easily visible by just looking into the mouth. Together, they are part of a ring of glandular tissue (Waldeyer's ring) encircling the back of the throat.
If someone suffers from frequent tonsil infections, it’s important to see a doctor to determine the cause and to find out if your doctor deems it necessary to remove them surgically to prevent further infections.
What is a Tonsillectomy?
Tonsillectomy is removal of the tonsils. Tonsillectomy is sometimes recommended for frequently recurring tonsillitis. Tonsillectomy may also be recommended as part of a comprehensive plan in the treatment of sleep disordered breathing or if there is concern for a tumor of the tonsil. Tonsillectomy is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. Often, adenoidectomy is done at the same time as tonsillectomy.